Sunday, December 12, 2021

(review) Wella Color Charm Paints (fuchsia, wild orchid, blue)

My Walmart randomly had a bunch of Wella Color Charm paints on clearance for $5.50 each- how did this happen?? I DONT KNOW BUT I HAD TO TRY IT 😂
My hair started out dark blonde roots, unbleached; and the bottom length of my hair was already purple.
I focused on dying the roots with Wella "fuschia", and "wild orchid" on the length. I let it marinate in a shower cap overnight.
My hair turned out awesome!!
Here are pics after 4 weeks and 4 shampoos, it looks great but of course it faded from the roots:
.Wella color charm paint.
* * * * * * * * *

Ok, so finally after 2 months I have enough blond roots to want to dye them again. This time I tried blue and used tge whole tube on my unbleached roots:
Blue did not impress me. It's really weak.
Wella color charm paints dye Blue Wild Orchid unbleached hair

Thursday, June 24, 2021

(review) Timeless Trends Corsets

 If you're thinking of ordering from Timeless Trends Corsets then please read my experience first. I had so much WHAT THE FUCKERY IS GOING ON HERE??!! with my order I can't even 🤦I'll give you a quick run down of the mess and then post email receipts.

--Timeless Trend had a big clearance sale with an additional buy 2 get 1 free offer, so I ordered 6 corsets total

--TT told me 3 corsets were out of stock so I picked 3 replacements (*I looked at every item in my size and saw it was available before requesting it!... But as you will see, the website doesn't synch-up with actual inventory numbers...)

--TT told me 2 out of 3 of those were out of stock, so I picked 2 new replacements

--then TT told me 1 out of 2 of those replacements were out of stock, so I said CANCEL MY ORDER THIS IS RIDICULOUS 😡

--TT offered me "buy 2 get 3 free" so then my order is 5 corsets total instead of 6, and I'd only have to pay for 2. That sounded awesome and I accepted the offer...

--TT then tried to refund me the wrong amount (they wanted to overcharge me, RED FLAG!) and I corrected them, then they refunded me the right amount...

--My order arrived and OF COURSE 1 corset is missing. I contacted TT and they said 'well since it was free anyway we won't be replacing it and here's a coupon for 30% off your next order' [SCAMMY MUCH?? I feel like they did this on purpose so I'd buy more]

The packing slip says they put it in the shipping box- they did not put it in the box! 😡 After all the bullshit I just went thru, Timeless Trends us going to do me dirty like this?! WTF?!

Sidenote: the missing corset was part of my original order that was not out of stock. I ordered 2 of this exact same corset, TT confirmed they had only 2 left and they both were mine. ***I made the order specifically because I needed 2 of this exact corset to dress as twins in Hallowen!! I would have immediately cancelled the order if I knew only 1 was coming. WTF am I going to do with 1?! I needed 2. Twins are 2 people!

I would be less pissed if one of the "replacement" corsets had gone missing. This is bullshit! 😡

Here are the email screenshots, read bottom to top of each page.

Also, just know that Timeless Trends ships from Thailand. The business owners are in Texas but the corsets are shipped from the factory in Thailand.

Let's recap the fuckery of Timeless Trends:

1. Computer system is shit and can't keep synched with inventory.

2. American workers answering my emails can't do math. Might be total sleezeballs...

3. Thailand workers can't pull inventory and ship correctly. (Unless they were ordered to "accidentally forget" that last corset...)

Now here's some product reviews:
#1: This is the longline hourglass underbust corset I ordered 2 of and they only sent me 1. It has white velvet roses on black satin. Ties in the hips. This fits me more like a "slim" silhouette rather than a "hourglass" shape... but whatever. (Look at the next pinstripe corset shape- that one is "slim", see what I'm saying??)

#2: I do NOT recommend Timeless Trends overbust corsets to anyone with a small chest! I have a small chest and I ordered this pinstripe corset (regular length) in my size with the "small" bust-- and it's way too big! Like I have to wear a strapless pushup bra inside the corset to create any cleavage whatsoever. How sad is that?! ☹️ You can see in my bra pic above that I have a chest with cleavage- in the overbust corset it disappears completely. 
((And I just want to sidenote here: I have never had a disappearing-cleavage-issue with Corset Story overbust corsets...))

#3: And here is a pic of my new tweed hourglass short corset (waist cincher). The fabric is much darker than online pics, and you can barely tell it's "tweed" design. At least this corset actually has the "hourglass shape" it claims. This short style is more comfortable to wear sitting down than other corsets.
...My final thoughts? 😂 Whatever!...
I'd rather buy used next time.
I would not pay full price for these.

Monday, May 24, 2021

(diy) Suction Cup Teddy Soap

I wanted to make a cute soap that would stay put next to the sink, so join me on the adventure where I discovered a couple interesting hacks: 
I found this teddy bear silicone mold on ebay, but I was having a super hard time getting the soap out without damaging it. So I carefully sliced open one side of the mold.... Then I used these clips from Dollar Tree to hold that edge tightly shut (I saw online other crafters used electrical tape or rubber bands) while I poured the soap in and let it harden. I use melt & pour soap base because it's easy 🙂
I tied a rubber band on top of the suction cup so the soap has more surface area to hold on to. Let the soap harden slightly (5 seconds lol) and then push the suction cup piece down in place. It's ok if it sinks in a little.
When the soap hardens take it out of the mold carefully. The suction cup needs space around the base in order to function properly, so if you need to: use a knife to carefully shave off soap and give the suction cup space!

Thursday, February 25, 2021

DIY Shower Steamers

Shower steamers / shower bombs are *AWESOME*! 😄 put them in the bath tub corner out of direct water, and when water splashes it fizzing starts and fragrance explodes- your shower turns into an aromatherapy spa!
I like to whip up some shower steamers with new fragrance oils I get so that I know how much I like the scent before I turn it into a soap/candle/perfume/etc. Here's some messy pics of my work station (lol) and how I keep my steamers organized in a cute basket on my bathroom toilet.
My Recipe: 2 parts baking soda, 1 part citric acid, 1/4 part cornstarch, 1/4part kaolin clay, fragrance, pinch of crushed menthol crystals
(I make small batches so for me "part"= tbsp)
The cornstarch and kaolin clay help hold the scent and make the steamer last longer. I think they're important ingredients but I've seen other crafters skip using them 🤷

Directions: Mix everything but add the citric acid in very last, and then lightly spray witch hazel and squeeze with your hands trying to make clumps. Repeat spray-squeeze until you get it clumping. You want to use as little witch hazel as possible!! When it starts clumping you press the mixture into your molds. 

Use a hard plastic mold- ice cube trays work, I like little plastic clam shells (like packaging for wax melts, I ordered mine from Maple Street Candle Company), or plastic candy/soap molds. Don't use silicone molds they're too soft. You can use tin muffin pans but the steamers are harder to remove and might break. You can use bath bomb molds and presses, too.
star shape ice cube tray used for bath bombsbath bomb press stamp kit multiple designs
Let's talk about menthol crystals~
Using menthol crystals will help clear your sinuses, but you don't have to use them if you don't want to. I don't use menthol with any food/sweet scents.
Also, a little menthol goes a long way!! LOL 
If you're using peppermint essential oil then there's menthol already in there, don't add menthol.

Epsom salts are not menthol crystals. I've seen other crafters online use Epsom salts instead of menthol crystals... But I have never tried it.

Let's talk about fragrance~
Only use skin safe fragrance oil or essential oil.
 Don't use alcohol-based fragrances.
Vanilla fragrances can turn your product a brownish color- beware!
If the fragrance oil you use is colored then it will dye your steamers that color. Consider that when deciding if you want to add additional colors (sometimes mixing colors gets ugly).
.diy shower steamers colors from pigment eyeshadow fragrance oils.
Let's talk colors~
Don't use too much dye pigment or it can 
stain your tub!

Beware: when you mix in color pigment the color won't show up immediately- after the shower steamer dries in the mold the color darkens. So don't worry while you're mixing ingredients! You don't have to overdo the color!

I mostly use TKB micas. I've also used eyeshadow as pigment (hey, it's skin safe! haha), but I have not tried using food coloring. Dye isn't necessary for a shower steamer, it's optional. Unless color "brings you joy" then it's a waste of money.
Shower Steamer sinus recipe baking soda citric acid menthol peppermint acidmaking my own shower steamers TOO WET citric acid activated
Problem: they blew up in the molds 😂
If your shower steamers look like fluffy clouds then you made them too wet and the citric acid activated (use less witch hazel next time). It's ok, try  to press them back down and let them harden.
You do not have to trash them, they're still usable!
 They just won't fizz when water hits them- so it will give off scent but there's no fizz to push the scent into the air (use your hands to wave the scent around). 
If you have a shelf in your shower put the steamer there instead of side of the tub.